Probability with Likely and Unlikely

🔅 *Probability with Likely and Unlikely* 🔅

✍🏻 *Likely* is an adjective and an adverb used with a similar meaning to *probable.* We use it in the *affirmative* form to express *probability,* while in the *negative* form we use *Unlikely*, to express *improbability.*

📌 *Form*

We find *Likely* in affirmative sentences and *Unlikely* in negative sentences.
They usually come after the verb.

📌 *Examples*

_I will most *likely* fall ill as I am wearing thin clothing._

_Is it *likely* that you will cry when you see him?_

_We will *likely* get angry when we see him._

_You are *unlikely* to lose weight, you are eating too much._

_She will *unlikely* be bored at this party._

_It is *unlikely* that we will fall asleep._

📌 *Use*

When we use *Likely* we want to express *probability.*

When we use *Unlikely* we want to express *improbability.*

📌 *Extension*

*Likely* is used to express *probability*, it has a similar meaning to *probable* and *possible.*

🔖 When *likely* is used in affirmative form, it suggests *probability,* whereas in the *negative*, it suggests *improbability.*

• Affirmative: … + likely + verb + ...
• Negative: ... + unlikely + verb + ...

✍🏻 For example:

_— “She will *likely* lose weight.” = She will *probably* lose weight._

_— “She will *unlikely* lose weight.” = She won’t *probably* lose weight._

Happy learning 👨🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓
